Local History

Local History

In January 2003 LL314 merged with LL778 to form one united Lodge representing workers in western Missouri and eastern Kansas. On July 1, 2005 IAM Local Lodge 232 merged with Local Lodge 778.

Local Lodge 778
LL778 is one of two Locals in the Kansas City area. LL 176 at Harley-Davidson is the other Local and they are a High Performance Organization. LL 778 is the largest Local of the two.

In the last few years the western Missouri area has been though massive changes. The IAM has lost some Locals due to plant close and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). All Locals have suffered loses in Membership though reductions in headcount, plant closings, or NAFTA.

Atomic Energy Lodge 314
The employees of the Bendix Corporation voted the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers Union, IAM&AW, to represent them on February 14, 1949. The Collective Bargaining Agreement covers not only the IAM&AW workers but also five crafts unions who are Electricians, Pipefitters, Millwrights, Platers, and Operating Engineers. The name Atomic Energy Lodge relates to the fact that the Bendix Corporation managed the plant for the Atomic Energy Commission, hence Atomic Energy Lodge. The Atomic Energy Commission has since become the United States Department of Energy, which today oversees the administration of the plant. The Bendix Corporation has changed through the years to Honeywell through a series of purchases and mergers. Also the name of the plant has changed to FM&T, Federal Manufacturing and Technologies. Honeywell FM&T is the premier manufacturer of non-nuclear components for American’s nuclear arsenal. Prepared by President of the Retiree’s Club Art Burke and DBR Mike Roepke.

Tool and Die Makers Lodge 990
On January 16, 1953, 45 original Tool and Die Makers who worked at Bendix Corporation, signed a charter requesting to be chartered under the name of “Tool and Die Maker” Lodge No. 990 to be located at Kansas City, Missouri. The Charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of the International Association of Machinists and signed by A. J. Hayes, International President and Eric Peterson, General Secretary-Treasurer February 11, 1953.

Local Lodge 232

Lodge 232 was located in the Joplin, Webb City, and Carthage area of Missouri. Lodge 232 was chartered December 12, 1937 and signed by the then International President and the General Secretary-Treasurer on January 17, 1938. Lodge 232 had previously been on the receiving end of mergers with Lodge 1475 of Carthage, MO and the IAM Lodge located in Springfield, MO. This merger brings us over 120 members into our local working at Lozier Corp. in Joplin and Webb Corp. in Webb City.

Local Lodge 1316

Local Lodge 1316 located in the Springfield, MO area was merged with LL232.